AJ Singh’s & My Technology Suggestions for Success
1. Reading:
Claro Software (PC/Mac) https://www.clarosoftware.com for desktop applications or websites, suited for Chrome. Pleasant voice with a variety of accents.
ClaroRead Chrome extension Free and easily installed using Google Play Store, but reads website content only. https://www.clarosoftware.com/claroread-chrome
Voice Dream Reader http://www.voicedream.com reads aloud: Bookshare, PDF, webpage, etc. Tap “play.” This is especially useful in college since many of the materials are online.
Prizmo https://creaceed.com/iprizmo
Take a picture of a newspaper or page of a book and the apps read it back to you.
2. Writing:
Dragon Naturally Speaking https://www.nuance.com/dragon.html
Desktop application, internet not required.
Speechtexter, free online dictation tool. https://www.Speechtexter.Com/
Requires Internet access
Mic — AJ recommends Philips SpeechMike Premium LFH3500
3. Note taking:
Live Scribe Pen records the instructor while the student is taking notes!
See how it works-> https://youtu.be/Lg5QQHlepF0